Saturday, June 14, 2008

Elise's Show Day

Yesterday was Elise's show day in her gymnastics class. She did great! She did a tumbling routine, bar routine, and one on the balance beam. I think the uneven bars are her favorite! Her teacher, Mr Howard has taught her a lot!! She'll be taking another class this summer with Anabelle which should be lots of fun.

Here are a few pictures and some short clips from her show.

Anabelle's Last Day of School

Well, summer has officially begun! Anabelle's last day was on Friday. She was sad to be leaving Mrs. Handzel's class, but happy to stay home & have fun! She got her report card and did an EXCELLENT job!!! We're so proud of her. Today we went out and bought 'Summer Journals' to keep Elise and Anabelle writing everyday. I think they've already written 5 pages. We'll see how long the enthusiasm lasts :0).

Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Elise!!!

Last Thursday, Elise turned 5!!! I still can't believe it! She also graduated from preschool and will be off to kindergarten next year. I can't believe that either!! Here are a few pictures from her graduation and a picture of the cupcake her teacher made for her. Too cute!

Here's video of her singing "Kindergarten Here We Come".

This year I decided to take a break from planning a party at home, so we had Elise's party at a gymnastics place in the area. She had a blast! It worked out great because it was 100 degrees that day and the kids were able to run around and work out their wiggles in the AC!

Elise asked for balloon cupcakes, so I did my best to create that for her. I guess they turned out okay because she said that was her favorite part of her sweet!