Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our Trip to Philly!

We spent four days up in Philadelphia visiting my brother Doug & his wife, Jodi. My other brother, Dwight, and his daughter, Marena came along with us. We had such a great time. We went downtown to the Please Touch Museum, ate lunch in the park near the fountains, went swimming & had dinner at Jodi's parents' house, saw an Alice in Wonderland play, spent the afternoon at a nearby park, made peanut butter cookies, and the girls had a campout with their cousin! I was amazed that the girls actually fell asleep in the tent together. I really think we wore them out!

Here are my wild things at the museum and a super strong Sadie!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Little Rangers

Today the girls were 'Little Rangers' at Pocohontas State Park. They talked about what camouflage means, went on a little hike looking for animals hidden in the park, and made a picture where they had to try and hide their animals with magazine cut outs. The girls had a great time. Sadie really enjoyed the glue used in the project and collecting rocks :0).

Here is one of the animals the ranger hid along our hike. It was stuffed, but looked VERY alive. You could see it from the bike trail and I had to chuckle at the thought of someone riding along & thinking it was real! I know I would have freaked out!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer Fun

We've been having an AWESOME summer. We've been keeping busy doing lots of different things around town. We've also enjoyed some very lazy mornings! The girls have been so much fun to be with (when they're not fighting of course :0)) and I'm really going to miss them when school starts!

One day we decided it would be fun to have a "Messy Morning." So we put our bathing suits on and did lots of messy activities outside. We started out playing with liquid chalk in the driveway, moved on to bubbles, painted large cardboard pieces I had saved, and finished off making fun designs with shaving cream inside a wading pool.

Here are some pictures from our outdoor gallery!

We go to the pool at least two times a week. Anabelle & Elise have become good swimmers and Sadie LOVES jumping in on her own with her floaties. I don't even have to catch her anymore. She goes right under and pops up with a big smile on her face! Here are a few pictures from when our sweet little cousin Marena visited and Anabelle doing her funny dance in the splash pool.

Just yesterday, we went with friends to a local outdoor mall to play in their fountains. The kids had a ball. Poor Sadie would look straight down into the holes and get blasted by the water. After a while, she learned to use her foot instead.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The 4th

The girls had a blast on the 4th! They especially liked staying up until 10:30! We started the day watching our neighborhood parade and then took a walk to the festivities nearby. Later, we admired Danny's fireworks show and ended the day enjoying more fireworks with friends over the reservoir.
Here are a few pictures of the girls looking patriotic!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Yesterday, the girls and I went to Swift Creek Berry Farm to pick blueberries. We were there for almost two hours and got close to 4 pounds of blueberries (and they probably ate a pound each)! It was so beautiful there and the kids had a blast. Yesterday afternoon we made lemon blueberry muffins and for the 4th of July, we're planning on making a blueberry cobber.

Here are a few pictures.