Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Backyard Campout!

We had a campout last night! We made hotdogs, some ooooeeee gooooeeee smores, and slept out under the stars. It was VERY cold, but because mom was up every 30 minutes coping with the rock solid ground poking at her bones, she was able to make sure her girls were snug as bugs under lots of blankets. Just about 7 am when mom's back, arms, and hips started to go numb from lack of blood circulation and she was able to sleep comfortably, a flock of LOUD geese flew overhead and woke up the crew.

Anabelle woke up in a particularly excited mood when she discovered that the tooth fairy had visited her in the tent!

What a fun time :0)!

Sadie's Dance Class

Sadie started taking a dance class a few weeks ago and LOVES it! She especially likes it when they do the friend dance and the bean bag dance. Here are some short clips of her in class. She's the one in the yellow tutu.
You'll have to excuse the parents talking in the background...I was taping behind a small reflective glass window with parents all around me.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sadie at preschool

I took Sadie to meet her teachers today at preschool. She had a great time! She particularly loved the playdough and puzzle table. Thursday is her first real day!! I think she'll have a great time. It's me who will need the tissues!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School!!

Anabelle & Elise had a fabulous first day at school. They were all in smiles as they left and has they returned home. Hopefully, they're remain in good spirits as the week continues!!

Here are some pictures from this morning & a video of the girls getting off the bus this afternoon.