Monday, February 27, 2012

Father Daughter Dance

Saturday night was the Father Daughter Dance at school. Don't they look sweet with their Daddy? The girls were bouncing off the walls when the got home. They said it was SO much fun. Danny had a great time, too, but collapsed on the couch after walking through the door. Doing the Chicken Dance, the Cha Cha Slide, and managing to keep 3 girls happy can do that to a fellow :0).

Old Man

So on February 4th, Danny turned 40! The theme was 'Old Man' (poor Danny). The kids wanted to hang pictures of old men, made cards with drawings of old men, and even hung balloons around the house with messages for his aging mind :0).

He really isn't that old though...he spent his day off playing video games. Also, see the look on his face in this picture? That's him opening up one of his gifts...a remote control car. Happy Birthday Danny! We love you SO much...even if you are old :0).

Thursday, February 23, 2012


It was about 2-3 inches which was just enough for Calvin and the girls to play in. Although it only lasted for a day, the girls were able to make snowmen, have a snowball fight with mom & dad, eat snow cones, and even do a little sledding.
Yay for snow!