Wednesday, February 20, 2013


 February started out well...a trip to the indoor climbing place called Peak Experiences. Anabelle impresses me with her 'no fear' attitude about climbing.  That's her at the top.
  That's Elise way up at the tallest point.  It took her seconds to get there.
 Sadie said on the first climb that she couldn't do it.  We encouraged her to keep trying and she made it!  All of the climbs following that, she didn't hesitate once :0).
 The girls all geared up.

 A week into Februrary, the flu hit hard.  We fell like dominoes.  It was awful!!!!!!  It took us out for an entire week.  At least Calvin got lots of love. 

 We all perked up after the Tamiflu and we went to see the CYT performance of Wizard of Oz.  It was fabulous!! 
 Sadie even wore her costume!
 On one of the days after we were feeling better, Anabelle &  I went on a walk in Woodlake by ourselves.  It was such a beautiful day & I really enjoyed spending that one on one time with her.
 I had to snap a few shots of my beauty.  Through the lens I realized how fast she's growing up.

 Everyone also got back into their extracurricular routines.  Here's Elise at gymnastics. She's the one upside down on the green mat. 
 Here's Elise practicing some of her moves.  Although she loves gymnastics, she's going to give softball a try in the spring.
 Here she is w/ her buddy.
Just last weekend I got back from an early childhood education conference. The workshops I attended talked a lot about play especially sensorial play and play in nature.  I loved watching my girls play in the sand.  Most 11 year old kids these days wouldn't know what to do in a sand pit.  I'm glad my girls are creative enough to enjoy it.  We were in this spot for an hour.