Sunday, March 31, 2013


 Happy Easter! Well, the Easter Bunny made an appearance again!  The girls got a basket full of goodies and a backyard full of hidden eggs.  Notice the "Friendly Tips About the Backyard"...haha.
The egg hunt was timed perfectly.  15 minutes after we came in, it started to rain.  Thank goodness it didn't happen while we were sleeping! 
 Lots of loot!  Money for our New York trip, jelly beans, Nerds, and Peppermint Patties..mmm!
 Here's Calvin desperately trying to get a jelly bean.

 That's a lot of eggs!
 Time for church.  Aren't they beautiful!
 Dad's pose w/ the girls.
And me w/ my sweeties.  Happy Easter everyone!

Final Snow?

 Snow in March is always a little strange.  Especially, when it's less than a week from Easter.  The kids didn't mind though.  They got another day off school and another opportunity to play!  This last one came out of nowhere.  Unfortunately, I got stuck driving in the worst of it.  It took me 30 minutes to drive 5 miles.  It was a little scary.  When I got home though, I noticed what a beautiful snow it was an snapped some pictures. 

The girls and a friend made a super cute snow bunny w/ a basket of eggs!

St Patty's Day Fun!

Yes I know it's Easter, but the calmness of the day is finally giving me the opportunity to catch up on the blog.  Here are the girls on St Patrick's Day!
A wee lephrechaun dance!

The girls & their friends in green :0)

 Here are the leprechaun traps.  No leprechauns this year, but they did manage to trap some locks of red hair!  Hmmmm?