Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hey Batta Batta Batta

Anabelle & Elise decided to play softball this year and thankfully they could be on the same team!  They've learned so much over the past few months.  There's a lot to learn about the sport when it's your first year and most of the other kids have played before.  They seem to understand how the game works now and they've really improved on their throwing & catching.  Hitting is still difficult because this is the first year the girls pitch, so they can be wild!  It also doesn't help when the umpires make bad calls.  The girls get confused on what is good and what isn't.  They're learning though :0).
Here's a picture of the Dow twins!  Everyone on the team thought they were twins until recently...haha. 
Their banner.
 Their best cheerleader.  Well...at least on this day.  Most days she's off riding her scooter or playing on the playground.  Who can blame her?  The games can be long for a 7 year old :0).
 Elise up to bat.  Will she swing?  Most of this season she's gotten walked, but we're waiting for that big hit!  We know she's got it in her!!
 Anabelle on 2nd and Elise on 3rd.  They've gotten really good at stealing bases!
 The Cardinals & their coaches.  The 3rd one from the left likes to call Anabelle 'Ana-B'. 
Anabelle at short stop. Notice the striped socks...haha.
Anabelle as catcher.  This was her one and only time doing it.  She said it hurt her knees and she had to move too fast.  Sounds about right :0).
They say they want to play fall ball.  We'll see if that's still the case at the end of the summer.  Until then, play ball!!!