Thursday, June 13, 2013

Moving on to Middle School

It's so hard to believe it, but my baby is no longer in elementary school.  Where did the time go? 
I can remember crying after putting her on the bus for kindergarten.  It seems like it was just a year ago.
 Swift Creek she comes!
 Here she is with the sign we made to put on the side of the road so she could see it on the way to school. 
 With her proud Daddy!
 Proud family!
 Our beautiful middle schooler.
 With her awesome teacher.
With her class.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy 10th Birthday Elise!!!

 Elise wanted a sundae slumber party to celebrate her 10th!  She invited her closest friends and we took them to the Y to swim, had pizza, sundaes of course, watched a movie, and then crashed.  For goodie bags, we got ice cream bowls and put strawberry bath salts w/ a new poof.  Then I typed up a little poem I found on Pinterest, put in a straw, strawberry candy, and spoon and voila!  A strawberry sundae bath bowl. 

I found these moustache straws & thought they were fun! 

 As the girls arrived, I had them sign a pillowcase for Elise to keep to remember her special slumber party. 
Here are the girls posing in their towels.  I think they had just as much fun in the locker room as they did swimming!  It took 20 minutes to get them out because they were having a ball using the hair dryers.

 Sundae w/ candles!
 Movie time!
 Here's Elise w/ 'Big as Your Head' pancakes a la Dad.
And here's Elise's softball helmet decorated for her birthday. She had a playoff game that night and Danny thought of the idea.  Sadly, the umpires said we had to wash it off.  I think she was a little bummed.  She was all smiles at the end of the night though when they WON!!!!  We brought cupcakes for the team to celebrate her birthday and everyone sang to her.  It was one of the happiest and loudest Happy Birthday songs I've ever heard!  What an awesome way to end a birthday :0)!