Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Winterpock 5k

 Sadie asked me to run her school's 5k with her.  She prepared by running on the treadmill 2x for 5 minutes each :0).  I thought for sure we'd walk most of it, but surprisingly, we ran a lot!!  I had to encourage her to keep going, but we got a time of 37 minutes.  Not bad for her first 5k!  Here we are at the end.  I thought it was incredibly sweet that she grabbed my hand right before we crossed the finish line so we could be together :0).  Love that girl!!!

Battle of the Books!

Elise participated in the Battle of the Books at Winterpock.  She was chosen to be the team captain because she read 18 of the 25 chapter books.  You had to read 10 & pass a test on each book to be on a team.  Her team came in 4th, but I was so proud of Elise because she was a great contributor & buzzed in quite a bit with the right answers.  We also found out a few days later that the librarian & the BOB qualifiers voted her to be on the county competition team!!!!  Only 8 students were chosen for that.  WAY TO GO ELISE!  She's reading two more books to prepare for the competition that will take place in April.  Super proud of her. Her team called United Unicorns is on the left.  Here's a video of her answering a question, too.