Monday, May 26, 2008

Belle Isle

On Saturday, we took a trip to Belle Isle which is on the James River. It has great views of the River, Hollywood Cemetery, and downtown Richmond. The girls loved the footbridge that went over the river and the rocks near the rapids. They probably would have spent hours there, but it made me nervous!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Strawberry Pickin'

Today was an absolutely beautiful day and we spent part of it picking strawberries! The girls ate at least a pint each. You can tell which one ate the most by comparing their stained shirts. After the hayride to the strawberry fields, the girls played in the giant corn pit. They had a blast jumping around and filling their shirts to make "Santa bellies". After that we visited the animals and had fun feeding the goats & bunnies.

We hope you had a great day like we did!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Slip-n-Slide Fun

On Saturday at 9 am, the girls were ready to try out the new Slip-n-Slide that their Pop Pop got them. We were able to hold them off until 11am when the temperature reached 70 degrees. Although it was a bit chilly, they had a blast. Sadie had trouble getting some momentum going, so Danny had to toss her down. It looked a little scary, but it worked!

Anabelle's recital

Anabelle had her dance recital last weekend. She was AWESOME! Her class did a ballet dance to Frank Sinatra's 'The Way You Look Tonight'. Her favorite part of the recital was getting flowers :0)!

Disco Elise

Although she excels in her gymnastics class, Elise is also quite a singer & dancer. She enjoys putting on shows with her sister. Here she is getting down to 'Disco Duck'!!

Here's Elise in her preschool class singing Mother's Day songs. She did such a sweet job!


Sadie has grown up SO much! Just a few weekends ago, we moved her into her "big girl bed" (just a toddler bed). She was very excited and has been doing well with it. She's waking up earlier in the mornings now, but at least she plays quietly in her room!

Here's a picture of Sadie with her first drawing of a face. She was very proud of herself.

For months now, Sadie has shown a strong interest in cowboys & cowgirls. Whenever we're in a store and someone has a has somewhat resembling a cowboy hat, she says, "LOOK MAMA, a cowboy!!!!" One day, she said this about an old man and he tipped his hat at her and said, "Nice to meetcha." She thought this was the coolest thing ever!


Sadie loves baby dolls. Here's her feeding one and giving another one a bath.

Q U Wedding

Anabelle's class had a Q U wedding a few weeks ago. They learned that q & u are always together in words. Her teacher had one girl in the class be Q and a boy be U. Anabelle was one of the readers and married the letters! She used a microphone and read 12 lines without stumbling on the words. She did an AWESOME job!
The wedding was really cute. They had a string quartet, bridesmaids & groomsmen with q & u names, and a reception afterwards.