Monday, May 19, 2008


Sadie has grown up SO much! Just a few weekends ago, we moved her into her "big girl bed" (just a toddler bed). She was very excited and has been doing well with it. She's waking up earlier in the mornings now, but at least she plays quietly in her room!

Here's a picture of Sadie with her first drawing of a face. She was very proud of herself.

For months now, Sadie has shown a strong interest in cowboys & cowgirls. Whenever we're in a store and someone has a has somewhat resembling a cowboy hat, she says, "LOOK MAMA, a cowboy!!!!" One day, she said this about an old man and he tipped his hat at her and said, "Nice to meetcha." She thought this was the coolest thing ever!


Sadie loves baby dolls. Here's her feeding one and giving another one a bath.

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