Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our Trip to Washington DC

We just got back from visiting my parents up in Northern Virginia. The girls love being with their Nanna & Pop Pop and said many times that they didn't want to go home!
On Thursday it was my dad's birthday so we spent the morning with him and decided to take a trip to Washington DC! We rode the Metro downtown, checked out the Museum of Natural History, and caught a glimpse of the White House (well, Sadie was there, but sleeping!) I think the dinosaurs were the girls' favorite!
Thursday night, we went to my mom's and the girls had a blast in the pool and LOVED their new dressing room she made for them.
When we got back yesterday after a two hour drive, I joked and said, "So who wants to turn around and go back up to visit Nanna & Pop Pop?" They all said, "I DO!!"

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