Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Well, since it's almost Christmas, I thought I should post some pictures from our Thanksgiving!! We travelled up to Northern Virginia to visit family and friends. On Thanksgiving, we started off with brunch at Nanna's, then dinner at Pop Pop's, and ended the day with dessert at Troy & Rachel's house. We had a great time seeing everyone and the food was delicious!! Here are a few
pictures of my little (and big) pilgirms :0). Doesn't Danny look cute!!!

I'm not sure if it was the visiting or lots of eating, but the kids crashed hard when we got home Friday. By Saturday, we were digging into our Christmas bins and decorating the house. At 4:00, I was hanging wreaths on the windows outside and I thought, "Hmmm...should it really take all day to decorate?" The kids had a great time and really enjoyed playing with our collections of Nativities!

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