Friday, January 16, 2009


I think we all had a wonderful Christmas. The girls were so excited on Christmas Eve. They got glow sticks at church and decided to throw them all over the front yard so Santa would know where to land. After opening a few presents, their Christmas ornament, & their new jammies, Danny read them The Night Before Christmas and I read the story of Jesus' birth. After that, they were ready for bed! I think it was the easiest night putting them to bed. They definitely didn't want to take the chance that Santa would come while they were awake. I think it was 6:30 when Anabelle said, "Let's go to bed!!" We managed to keep them up until 7:30. Somehow I don't think we'll be so lucky in the years to come :0)! On Christmas morning, they spotted their stockings and had to take a peek on their way to find baby Jesus. Every year we hide a little baby doll and the girls prepare a manger for him by placing straw in it when they do something nice. They were excited that they had more straw in it than last year!
They girls were all thrilled to get the presents that were on their lists. A guitar, microphone, & American Girl doll shoes for Anabelle, jumprope, spray bottles, a brush, & a new "just like me' doll for Elise, and a piggy & Barbie w/ wings for Sadie. In Anabelle's letter to Santa, she asked for a picture of himself. To her surprise, she got an autographed picture that you see here. She made sure to brag to all of her friends that he left one for her :0).

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