Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow~!~!

YAY...snow!! I can't remember the last time it snowed before Christmas! Danny spent the entire morning outside with the girls today. They made an igloo, a giant snowman, & a sledding ramp by our driveway. What a fun snow day!!

Breakfast with Santa!

Sadie had breakfast with Santa & Mrs Claus on Monday. She asked for sidewalk chalk, a wooden doll, and a Polly Factory (what that is I still don't know! I think Santa will have to get creative on that one!)

Sadie's Christmas Pageant

Sadie's school had a cute little Christmas Pageant last weekend. Her class dressed as Innkeepers and sang, "We've got no room left here."

We took the girls ice skating last weekend! It was Sadie & Anabelle's first time. Anabelle & Elise were off & skating around the circle within seconds! Sadie wasn't too happy at first, but once we got some buckets, she was all smiles. She really liked it when Danny & I would ride behind her and go really fast! After an hour or so, we took a break, but Elise wanted to go back on for a few more laps. So, I took her back out & wouldn't you know it...on her last lap, she fell in front of a man and his skate cut three of her fingers. We back tracked to the exit & I was SO worried she was going to need stitches! Thankfully, she was okay despite the fact that I had to perform first aid in the girl's bathroom without soap or paper towels!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Santa Visit!

Our neighborhood had a grand illumination night and Santa came to visit! The girls told them their lists, played with friends, and enjoyed making smores at the bonfire, and yummy hot cocoa.

It's the most wonderful time of the year...right?

We've been really busy doing all sorts of things preparing for Christmas. The decorating is done, the shopping is almost done, Santa pictures have been taken, and we've even done a little baking. Then I think about all that still needs to be taken care of...wrapping, wrapping, & more wrapping, more baking, Christmas cards, & preparing the menu for Christmas day. Some days when I'm running around with multiple lists, receipts pouring out of my purse, and feeling stressed because I only have 20 minutes until preschool pick up to run into one more store, I think..."Where is the joy in all this?" Then I have my moments where I'm I'm able to slow down, reflect, and enjoy. I'm always teaching the girls about the true meaning of Christmas. We sing songs, read scripture & devotions, & stories that remind us of our reason to celebrate, but as an adult, it's SO easy to get 'wrapped up' in the wrong things. Every year I tell myself, I'm going to get all of the not so fun stuff early this year so I can enjoy, but it never happens! I had some things done before Thanksgiving this year, but there was so much more to do. The funny thing is, as I write this I can hear Danny's voice in the back of my head..."You put a lot of stress on yourself." Yes, I do. I want to take the kids to the Nutcraker ballet, I want to have an ornament party, I want to make gingerbread houses, bake cookies, string popcorn, visit a live nativity, do the elf on the shelf, do our family advent calendar, plan fun crafts, watch Christmas movies as a family, etc, etc! I definitely enjoy those things, but in combination with normal everyday life and the added Christmas stresses, my head is sometimes left spinning. At church a few weeks ago, someone sang the song, " I Need a Silent Night." I think that was sung for me.

I Need A Silent Night
By Amy Grant
I've made the same mistake before

Too many malls, too many stores
December traffic, Christmas rushIt breaks me till I push and shove
Children are crying while mothers are trying
To photograph Santa and sleigh
The shopping and buying and standing forever in line
What can I say?
I need a silent night, a holy night
To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise
I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here
To end this crazy day with a silent night
December comes then disappears
Faster and faster every year
Did my own mother keep this pace
Or was the world a different place?
Where people stayed home wishing for snow
Watching three channels on their TV
Look at us now rushing around
Trying to buy Christmas peace
I need a silent night, a holy night
To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise
I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here
To end this crazy day with a silent night
What was it like back there in Bethlehem
With peace on earth, good will toward men?
Every shepherd's out in the field
Keeping watch over their clock by night
And the glory of the Lord shone around them
And they were so afraidAnd the angels said fear not for behold
I bring you good news of a great joy that shall be for all people
For unto you is born this day a Savior, who is Christ the Lord
And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace
I need a silent night, a holy night
To hear an angel voice through the chaos and the noise
I need a midnight clear, a little peace right here
To end this crazy day with a silent night
To end this crazy day with a silent night