Saturday, December 19, 2009

We took the girls ice skating last weekend! It was Sadie & Anabelle's first time. Anabelle & Elise were off & skating around the circle within seconds! Sadie wasn't too happy at first, but once we got some buckets, she was all smiles. She really liked it when Danny & I would ride behind her and go really fast! After an hour or so, we took a break, but Elise wanted to go back on for a few more laps. So, I took her back out & wouldn't you know it...on her last lap, she fell in front of a man and his skate cut three of her fingers. We back tracked to the exit & I was SO worried she was going to need stitches! Thankfully, she was okay despite the fact that I had to perform first aid in the girl's bathroom without soap or paper towels!

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