Saturday, September 17, 2011

School Days!

First day of school! Don't they look excited? I even managed to put on a smile.

Sadie was waiting for this day for years!

Daddy is so proud of his little girl.

After a LONG rainy wait at the bus stop without umbrellas, we ended up in the car. Thirty minutes later, we made the decision to drive them. Sadie was VERY upset, but pulled herself together and even put on a smile as we walked through the school doors. Her sisters and our good friend Claudia walked her to her class. I think the frazzled morning was a blessing in disguise. I was fully prepared to cry as Sadie climbed up on that bus, but it never happened. Instead, I was distracted and caught up in the first morning frenzy. I didn't shed a tear until Danny & I sat alone together discussing the morning. It was quiet and I realized I'd have to get used to that. Overall, I held up well and the girls had a great first day despite the rough start. On the second day, I was alone and the tears did flow, but I somehow got used to the quiet and even enjoyed it a little :0). Of course, I missed my girls more~

Friday, September 16, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!

I feel so bad that I haven't had time to post the First Day of School pictures! I started working that first week of school, so life has been a little nutty. I worked every day that week preparing for the preschool Open House. I really don't know how working parents do it. I had laundry pouring over my guest bed, my family dinners were whatever I could throw together, and my kitchen floor started to look like carpet from the dog. SO gross!!! Thankfully, I'm back to my two days a week schedule, but because it's my first year, I have LOTS of planning to do on top of my normal everyday household/mommy duties. This is definitely an adjustment, but I love my church preschool and the children are so precious! I need to get some sleep now, but I'll post pictures soon :0). Maybe I'll even take some of my classroom!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Last Day of Summer~!

Arcade games, Go-karts, Bumper boats, and Putt Putt....what a great way to celebrate the last day of summer! The kids were in heaven & I enjoyed watching them squeal with delight. I've been working a lot to get my classroom ready & felt like I wasn't spending much time with my family, so I wanted to go out and do something special. It was a great afternoon!!

Danny had a great time in the go-karts, too!

It was a fabulous summer!!! Now let the school year begin :0)!