Friday, September 16, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!

I feel so bad that I haven't had time to post the First Day of School pictures! I started working that first week of school, so life has been a little nutty. I worked every day that week preparing for the preschool Open House. I really don't know how working parents do it. I had laundry pouring over my guest bed, my family dinners were whatever I could throw together, and my kitchen floor started to look like carpet from the dog. SO gross!!! Thankfully, I'm back to my two days a week schedule, but because it's my first year, I have LOTS of planning to do on top of my normal everyday household/mommy duties. This is definitely an adjustment, but I love my church preschool and the children are so precious! I need to get some sleep now, but I'll post pictures soon :0). Maybe I'll even take some of my classroom!

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