Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

On Sunday we took the kids to Chesterfield Berry Farm to enjoy the fall day. It was a little colder than we expected and the prices were outrageous, but we had a great time :0). Here are the girls throwing out their gang signs for the camera (I'm not sure where they learned that!).

This is Danny's new way of protesting his picture being taken. Ha ha...I got him anyway and in a small wagon no less :0).

This year we took on the corn maze. We made it through, but only by cheating and back tracking our way out. It was also helpful to have the girls hop on Danny's shoulders to see the exit.

My favorite stop was in the pumpkin patch. I love looking at all the different sizes and shapes of pumpkins. Anabelle & Sadie found their favorites fairly quickly. Elise on the other hand couldn't decide. At the last second, she chose the ugly bumpy one which was SUPER heavy!

1 comment:

medina family said...

ha! the ugly bumpy one...that never gets picked. I'm glad she picked it. We haven't been yet...I think we're going to try a new one this year.