Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hollywood Cemetery

Today we went to Hollywood Cemetery and Danny taught the girls how to do headstone rubbings. If you've never been's huge and sprawls over lots of hills beside the James River. It kind of reminds me of New Orleans cemeteries because of the way the headstones are scattered and varied in age and design. Almost everything you see is old and crooked with only a few shiny stones and a handful of fresh graves.
At first the girls were hesitant to try the rubbings after our "being respectful" talk, but they quickly got into it and found some really neat images. I, on the other hand, brought my camera and snapped some pictures. I was really drawn to the statues. They looked so sad.

1 comment:

medina family said...

great pictures, Darlene. I've never been there and lived here most of my life. I love how you and your family are always exploring.