Sunday, April 15, 2012

Crabtree Falls

We spent two nights at Crabtree Falls and had a great time despite the 30 degree temperatures at night :0). Here's Elise with her giant fire that made mom nervous and a view of the river that was right next to our campsite. The kids spent most of their time here and wished the water was a little warmer. Danny even got adventurous here and decided to show the kids that he could leap over the falls. Do as I say...not as I do...right? I was impressed that he made it and amused that he fell in while walking back to the side.
Calvin came along with us and seemed to enjoy himself. His lab instincts really came out along the river. He pranced along the rocks and loved being in the water. After along day though he reverted back to his cushy lifestyle. The dirty ground was not for him. He preferred to lounge on the chairs and sleep in the air mattresses with us.

On Friday we hiked up to the top of Crabtree Falls with minimal whining. We're getting better. It's the biggest waterfall east of the Mississippi and a pretty steep 1.7 mile climb up. It doesn't sound long, but it was. Despite the incline it was a beautiful walk with amazing views on the way.

1 comment:

medina family said...

What great pictures! I knew you guys would do something adventurous during spring break!