Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Color Me Rad!

So I signed up for a short race...short because I've had knee issues again along with a nice foot injury.  If you're thinking about trying out the whole barefoot running craze, don't do it!  I didn't actually go Kenya style and run barefoot, but I did buy "minimal shoes" to help my body adjust to running barefoot.  After 3 runs in my new flat thin shoes, my foot landed funny on an uneven surface and I pulled my arch.  It's been two months and it still hurts.  Anyway...I signed up for a 5k because I think my ol' body can handle it :0).  The cool thing about this race is they spray you with all kinds of crazy paint colors while you run.  FUN!!!!  I got my friend to run with me, so it should be a good time!  I can't remember the last time I got messy just for the fun of it!  Oh will my girls be jealous! 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dow Theatre

On a whim, Danny decided to build a stage for the girls.  They are always putting on plays for us in the attic and recently created a new backyard venue in the grass, so he thought it was something they would use a lot. Boy do they ever!  After just about an hour, my amazing hubby had the stage completed.  I was pretty impressed!  So far, I've seen multiple plays and musical numbers.  I think all we need now is a chalkboard sign. My favorite show was the one they created for Mother's Day.  It was short, but oh so sweet.  You can watch it below.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Calvin!

Calvin turned one on April 24th.  The girls put a little party together to celebrate complete with Frosty Paws and two of Calvin's friends...Duke and Lucy.  He even got presents!

Little Ballerina

Sadie had her dance recital a few weekends ago and did a fabulous job.  She had two dances...one was ballet to a Little Mermaid song and the second was a jazz number to the tune of Crocodile Rock.  She said she was only a little nervous.  I also included a picture of her with her teacher who came to see her at the dress rehearsal.  After a long day at work, she picked up her two little ones and zipped on over to see Sadie.  How nice is that???