Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pretty Muddy Run

Today my friend Holly & I did the Pretty Muddy Run.  It was a 5k with some crazy muddy obstacles.  The first one was a giant slide.  I somehow went down way too fast and landed butt first in two feet of mud (I think they got a picture of that).  Fun! 
Then they had 10ft tall fences to climb over, concrete tunnels to crawl through (filled with mud), a giant net to climb under (with 12 inches of mud), a 25 ft tall rope net to climb up and over that scared the heck out of me, a "dirty martini" with 6 feet worth of bubbles, and a commando like crawl zone at the end full guessed it...MUD!  Most people ran around this, but not us.  I think we had 50+ people cheering us on...haha.
Here are the after pictures~

Fun fun!  So now I've done a color run and a mud run.  Maybe a zombie run next year!

Monday, October 1, 2012


So I woke up to super presents, delicious pumpkin bagels, and THIS!!!!!!  Somehow Danny carried this awesome kayak into the house without making a sound and left it on the kitchen table for me to see.  WOW!  What an awesome birthday surprise!
The girls made me very sweet cards.  Sadie's said, "39.  I no you gust have 1 more year so suk it in." first I thought she meant, suck in my gut, but she explained she meant 'suck it up' because I only have one more year until I'm 40.  Ha ha.  Anabelle made this display for me and left it on the counter all day. cleaning for me yesterday!
And then there was our trip to Twin Lakes to try out the new kayak!  It was such a beautiful day and the kayak was super smooth!

 Here's Danny chillin' with his ladies.
We call her Mango...the kayak that is.

We rented a canoe for Danny and two of the girls and when we were returning it, Danny grabbed these single kayaks sitting around and let the girls go for a ride.  They looked like little ducks in the water :0).  I have to admit, I was a little nervous...well, okay, very nervous, but the girls had a blast.  I probably would have felt better if they didn't insist on playing bumper boats. 

After a delicious meal at Bonefish, we came back home and enjoyed Danny's Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzel Pie.  Oh my, oh my!  I had to take an hour cycle class today to work off that one little piece, but it was worth it!
What a fabulous birthday! My family made me feel extra special and very loved~