Friday, August 9, 2013


 Summer is going quickly!  Here are some things we've been up to. 
 The Goochland Drive in.

 Visited are a few of the cousins!
 Concerts!  Danny & I went to Phish and we took the girls to see Dark Star Orchestra.

 Admired beautiful rainbows.
 Played dentist...after going to the dentist.  Poor Elise had an infection in her root canal :0(.  Not a fun summer activity.
 Dyed hair.
 Organized a book club!

 Played board games and even made our own!
And of course the pool & Barbie to come :0).  I told the girls we had 3 weeks left of summer the other day and they all started crying.   It sure goes fast~

1 comment:

medina family said...

Looks like fun Darlene. My kids are actually looking forward to school. Hmmm.