Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Time flies...

Here's a few highlights since October~
 Pumpkin patch
 Fall bike ride in Farmville
 Sadie is October's Core Value Student!!
 Anabelle is October's Student of the Month!!
 Anabelle turns 12!
 Anabelle made it into the school play
 Last year for Tacky Light Tour...over 43,000 lights this year!
 Passing out candy canes to cars at night

 Our first year at Bevell's Hardware for the train display.  So cool

 My beauties before church on Christmas Eve
Made lots of cookies and hot cocoa
Christmas Spirit Team preparing for action
January trip to Wintergreen! 


medina family said...

I"ve missed you and seeing what fun things your family has been up to. I love most how active you all are...biking, skiing...great examples!

Lynette said...

Saw your post on the Wizard of Oz party - can you give me more info on how you made the tornado? I need to make one for our school play. Thanks! Lynette