Friday, March 6, 2009


YAY! We finally got a big snow!! I think they said it was 5 inches, but I think we had at least 7-8. It started Sunday evening and didn't stop until Monday. The kids were thrilled!!

The first day we hopped the kids in the minivan and drove around in search of a good hill for sledding. The drive made me very nervous because nothing had been plowed yet. We found a huge hill by the girls' school, but we only lasted 5 mintues. I'm not sure what we were thinking...the kids were exhausted just after making the trip to the hill! Once we made it up the hill, the whining started and when each one tried going down, the pleas to go home began. I took Anabelle back to the car to warm her toes and Danny soon followed with Elise & Sadie. Ah least we wore them out a bit! They did get some other sledding opportunities closer to home. By the second snow day, our plastic sled broke so I decided to pull out a swimming pool raft & inner tube. It worked great and they were soon the favorites. I even gave the inner tube a try and had a blast!

We had some awesome icicles and the kids really enjoyed chomping on them (even sword fighting w/ them!). Now that I think about it, I think I have a few left in my freezer!

The kids were home for 3 days and had a blast. Although the snow was fun, I think they really liked the hot cocoa, too!

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