Monday, May 17, 2010

Family Day Downtown

So yesterday we decided to have a family day and we packed up our bags early to head down to Belle Isle. Belle Isle is a great place to explore and a foot bridge walk from the city. My girls LOVE scrambling over rocks, putting their feet in the water, and exploring the twisted trails around the old quarry. We got there around 10:45 and there was barely anyone there. By the time we left, people were circling the parking lot for spaces, so early is definitely the time to go. Plus, as the day went on, we noticed the visitors change from families and joggers to college kids and their coolers. By 1:00, it just wasn't our scene :0).

We've been to Belle Isle before, but had a jogging stroller with us, so exploring the trails was out. This time, we found some awesome views of the quarry and a great place with huge bounders where the girls could leap & jump to their hearts content. Elise was in heaven!! I do have to admit that although I was enjoying the beautiful day outdoors with my family, I was a little nervous. Here's the picture Danny took of me as I was warning the kids for the 20+ time to be careful! There were 40ft high cliffs, poison ivy galore, snakes, and rapids. I guess I wouldn't be a mom if I weren't nervous with my kids in an environment like that...right? Danny said, "What's happened to you?" Kids happened to me!!!!

1 comment:

medina family said...

I know the kids had fun, but I know exactly how you felt. Love that picture of you...I have that same look on my face almost every day!
It was a great day for it!