Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our Christmas

We took a trip to Northern VA to John & Leslie's wedding. What a sweet couple! John is Danny's younger brother. We were also able to spend lots of time with our familes. We had three mini-Christmases wrapped into one visit!
On Thursday, we got back to Richmond and had our own Christmas.

Santa was good to the Dow girls this year!!! Our little tree looked even smaller with all of these big gifts!
Christmas morning was magical. Our home was full of joy, love, and grateful hearts. The snowfall was the cherry on top.
This year we got the girls a trampoline. Danny spent Christmas afternoon putting it together. I'm not sure if it was for the girls or himself :0).

Christmas night made me think of A Christmas Story when the parents turned out the lights & enjoyed the snowfall. What a beautiful end to a perfect Christmas.


medina family said...

Love Danny jumping on the trampoline! We weren't here for most of the snow, but there's nothing better than snow on Christmas. I meant to tell you that we drove by your house one evening looking at lights and Isabela said yours was the best one of the evening...Joaquin said, "Miss Darlene's was a real winter wonderland!"

Looks like a wonderful Christmas! Have a happy new year Dow Family!

Kim Lukitsch said...

My kids got a trampoline too but ours isn't even up yet !! Kudos to your husband for getting it up so fast. Looks like a blessed Christmas at your house. Happy New Year.