Friday, April 15, 2011

I Got the Job!

I got off the phone with the director of Woodlake United Methodist Church Preschool yesterday & was in tears. After two interviews, lots of preparation, and a long wait she offered me the lead teacher position for the 2 1/2 class! I called Danny right away & he said, "Why are you crying??" I was overwhelmed with joy, pride, and peace of the Spirit leading me to that moment. A year ago I started praying for direction on what I was meant to do & where I was meant to be when Sadie started school and I found my place. Although I'm a little apprehensive about this change & this new responsibility, I'm excited to serve Him (even if it means potty training 10 two year olds :0)).

1 comment:

Stacey said...

congratulations Darlene!!! i'm so happy for you. you will be an amazing teacher- those 2 yr olds will be blessed children in your care.