Friday, April 8, 2011

Kindergarten Registration Day

Yesterday I filled out all the forms, brought all of the required documents, and sent her away to be evaluated. Sadie isn't a baby anymore...she's off to kindergarten in the fall. I knew this was going to be a tender day for me and although no tears were shed in that room yesterday, my heart was aching. I've been anticipating this day for years, but always thought I had time. It came so much faster than I wanted it to. As a mom, it's so hard to let go. We want to keep them near & hold them forever. But, as the saying goes, "Let your children go, so they can grow." I know she's ready for school and will grow in so many ways and I'm excited to watch her bloom. I'm also so grateful to have been able to stay home with her and enjoy every second I could. What a gift!

So... my sweet little Sadie seed, grow and show the world how beautiful you are~!

1 comment:

medina family said...

so sweet! I imagine it must be hard.