Wednesday, December 28, 2011

NYC bound

On Friday we're beginning our adventure into NYC for New Years Eve. Earlier this week the trip became a reality for Danny & I when Christmas was over and we had to start making plans for getting up there. At one point, we both agreed that this was crazy and maybe we shouldn't have planned it. Some of you may not know this, but I have a little bit of city phobia. Great...right? There is absolutely no way I could ever drive up there. I would totally freak out. Danny offered to drive, but after lots of thought, we decided to take a bus from Philly. We can visit my brother & his family, spend the night, get up early, and head into town. Plus, it's cheap and takes us two blocks from our hotel!

This New Year's Eve will definitely be different from years past! Phobia or not...New York & we come! (oh and yes...that is a giant flying hotdog with the band members in it from last year's show)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Calvin's First Christmas

The girls are wondering if Santa will bring Calvin presents this year. He sure is a good boy when it comes to wearing a Santa hat or reindeer antlers. He also doesn't mind when we prance him around the neighbors in this attire while everyone giggles and calls him Max. Maybe Santa will bring him something!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Core Value Kid

I completely forgot to post Sadie receiving her Core Value Award at school. They choose one student per class for each month. The woman reading the teacher's comments about Sadie is the school's new principal Mrs Cooper.
We are so proud of you, Sadie!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I like this~

Our preschool is doing a Random Acts of Kindness bulletin board for January and is encouraging everyone to do just one nice thing for someone else each day. That's easy enough...right?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Victorian Christmas at Maymont

Anabelle's girl scout troop took at trip to Christmas at Maymont today and I took all of the girls along. It was such a great time! We took a carriage ride and a tour through the Dooley mansion. The inside was decorated for Christmas and was absolutely amazing! My friend gave me a Victorian book a few years ago and I love flipping through to see what neat activities & decorations they did for each holiday. Seeing the inside of the house they way it was in 1890 was just fascinating. I keep thinking about this Tiffany stained glass window that had the sun shining through in the stairway that had every color in the rainbow. I desperately wanted to snap pictures, but it wasn't allowed. I was a little unsure about the tour holding the girls' interest, but they were all enthralled. On the grounds outside, they had people dressed in period clothing, horse drawn carriages, Christmas music, and beautiful greens with big red bows. As the ladies and gentlemen told us today..."Happy Christmas!"

Sadie Loses Her First Tooth

I completely forgot to post's from a month ago, but I got Sadie pulling out her first tooth. She was VERY excited! I just love the look on her face~