Saturday, July 21, 2012

Color Me Rad!

Here's what I did today!  A Color Me Rad 5k Race in Richmond.  Here's my friend Julie & I before....(white shirts required)

A sea of white at the start...
 And then the finish.  It was SOOOO much fun!!!
 If a Color Me Rad race comes to your have to do it!  They give you color bombs (dyed cornstarch in bags) to throw at each other and as you run and there are stations that douse you in color.  They also have people standing along the race squirting you with some form of liquid color in a weed killer backpack mechanism.   The only not so fun part was washing it off.  I had to take a 45 minute shower and used half a bar of soap :0).

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Elise's 9th Birthday!

 I can't believe I never posted about Elise's birthday!  Sadly, Elise had to go to school on her bday and take the SOL test, but her mood lifted when she came home to find her long lost friend Boxy Dots hanging out in our garage to wish her a happy birthday.  You see...a few years ago, Elise found a baby turtle in the yard, named it Boxy Dots, and was extremely distraught when we told her she had to let it go.  While she was at school, I found a little turtle in the yard, put it in a box & told her Boxy Dots came back on her special day.  She was so excited, but later said, "Mom...I know it wasn't the real Boxy Dots."  It still made her happy though.
 Here's Elise with her big gift...a real microscope! 
 On the weekend after her bday, we had a little Camp Out sleepover party to celebrate.

 The girls had a great time eating hot dogs in the tent...
 shooting marshmallows at Elise with our homemade marshmallow shooters...
 going on a scavenger hunt around the lake...
making smores, and catching fireflies.  They finished the evening by painting canvas bags, watching the Judy Moody Summer Movie, and sleeping out in the attic (we decided a tent might be too much for girls who weren't used to sleeping out).  It was a fun celebration for a super fun girl.  Elise...we love you so much and we're so glad you're a part of our family.  You are such a determined hard working girl with an adventurous spirit.  I hope you never lose that :0).  Love you XO

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's That?? Why it's a Crusin' Cooler!

So some of you have heard about the Crusin' Cooler that Danny won at a golf tournament.  I thought I'd show you a glimpse of it.  It's definitely the talk of our pool and everyone wants one.  Danny thought about selling it, but the kids would be devastated.  I guess it's now a permanent furniture piece in our office...yay!  Can you sense my sarcasim?  I'm just hoping we don't have any trips to the emergency room because of it. 

Heat Winners!

Here are videos of Anabelle winning in freestyle and Elise winning in backstroke.  Anabelle shaved 12 seconds off her original best!!

In this video Elise placed 1st in the entire county for backstroke out of 375 kids!!!  If she can shave 1 second off her time, she'll beat the county's record for 8 and under backstroke!  In Elise's video you'll hear people yelling for's actually another Anabelle in the neighborhood, not ours :0).

  Sadie also did well and improved in her stroke times, but preferred hanging out with her buddy the most :0).