Friday, December 7, 2012

Catch up~'s been a while!  Well, in that span of time, Anabelle turned 11!  She had some friends go bowling to celebrate. 
 She also got her ears pierced.  I was impressed by how brave she was.  This is the same kid who turns white and throws up when they do a finger prick at a check up.
Anabelle also became a patrol!  She loves her post by the front door.  She says there's lots of drama there (aka. coffee spills and shoe tying)

 Elise was chosen in October as the class Core Value student!  It's really hard to get chosen so early in the year.  We were super proud of her.  I hate to spoil the surprise, but Anabelle & Sadie were chosen in their classes for November!!!  Woo Hoo!!!!  We are some proud parents!  (Maybe we're actually doing something right...haha)

 For Thanksgiving, we went to spend time with Danny's family in Covington VA. 
We went on a hike to Falling Springs Falls which was BEAUTIFUL!!! 
 There were big caves underneath the falls.  Fun for Danny & the kids, but very scary for me!  Elise found bones in there!

Once we got back home, Danny got to work on his light display.  It's done and looks amazing!  43,000 lights!  Crazy!  He says he's not doing it next year.  We'll see if that's the case. 

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