Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sadie's Turns 7 & Halloween

Sadie had a great bday. It's hard to believe she's 7.  Tomorrow night we're taking her to see The Little Mermaid play so she decided to be a jellyfish for Halloween.  I made the costume using a clear umbrella, bubble wrap, ribbons, beads, and glow sticks.  I tried to get a picture of it glowing last night, but it wouldn't work. 

Danny made her a ghost cake and "big as your head" pancakes for her bday breakfast.  Then in the afternoon we took her to Chuckie Cheese ( least favorite place).  It actually wasn't that bad and she had a fun time.

This year, Elise was a Rock-n-Roll star, Sadie a Jellyfish like I said, and Anabelle the game Twister. 
 The girls & Danny came up with the idea of doing something different with the pumpkins this year and made a scary pumpkin snow man.   Can you see the red paint dripping from its mouth?  Definitely, not my idea :0)

1 comment:

medina family said...

Love the jellyfish...I bet it looked awesome all lit up!!! Happy birthday, Sadie!