Monday, January 28, 2013

High Bridge Park

 Last weekend we drove to Farmville to check out High Bridge trail.  It is a 30 mile hike, but we only did about 3.  It would be a great place to take the kids on their bikes!  This is the most popular part that was just opened last year.  It used to be a railroad track and they turned it into a very high bridge with awesome views. 
 When we went on the hike, it was a few days after it had snowed.  Apparently, Farmville got more snow than us because it was still on the trail.  The girls found some pieces of ice and thought it would be fun to toss it over into the Appomattox river below. 
The splashes they made were amazing.  I was a little nervous about them falling over the side even though the railings were very high.

 I can only imagine this stretch of the trail being VERY busy in the spring & fall.  We prefer hiking without crowds, so this was perfect for us.  I may actually take the kids out of school early one day in the fall next year to check out the leaves.  I'm sure it's spectacular!

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