Monday, January 28, 2013


 We've been lucky enough to have two snows so far this year.  They were only an inch or two, but still fun!  Here's Sadie with the biggest snowball ever (she took up most of the snow from my neighbor's yard).
 Sledding into the street.  Yes...that's fun in the snow in Richmond. 
 Snow slushies as the snow begins to disappear.
 I made them wait until 8:00 to go out so they didn't disturb the neighbors.  We couldn't wait too long though because it was supposed to melt quickly!
 Mmmmm....yummy snowballs!
 By 10:00 most of the snow was gone, but these guys weren't. 
Here's Calvin having fun, too!  We think he thought the saucer was a giant frisbee :0).

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