Sunday, April 21, 2013

BOB Competition

Anabelle competed in the BOB competition last week and her team won 2nd place in her school!  BOB is short for Battle of the Books and to enter the competition, the kids have to read at least 10 books from a selected list and pass comprehension tests on them.  Then they're placed on teams that compete with each other based on their knowledge of the books.  The books aren't easy reads either!  We're extremely proud of Anabelle for working so hard for over 6 months to read the books and prepare for this event.  We were all so happy that her team won 2nd!  They called their team The Mystery Meatloafs.  My creative girl made a paper meatloaf to set on their table and fork pins for everyone to wear :0).  She's the one sitting at the yellow table on the left. 

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