Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Big Apple!!

 Highlights of our trip to New York City!  We had a blast!!!
We stayed in Times Square...big lights, insane crowds, and LOTS of honking.  Our hotel view was of  3 illuminated digital billboards. If you left even the smallest crack of curtain open, blue neon would blink all night long.
On the first day, we explored all of the big stores near the hotel.  Hershey World, M& M World, & Toys R Us.  They even rode the Ferris Wheel.
Day two...exploring Grand Central Station (one of my favorite places), St Patrick's Cathedral, American Girl Doll Store (soooo boring), FAO Schwartz, and Dylan's Candy Bar. 
Recognize this?
 We had three meals consisting of pizza.  Rays was by far the best.  I don't think I could ever eat Domino's again.
 Central Park!  It was so amazing, we went twice :0)! On the second trip, we spent the entire day there. We saw the castle, Shakespeare's Garden, lots of playgrounds, the lake, & the fountain.  I wanted to rent a row boat, but they only allowed 4 people. It was still my favorite day.

 Love the bridges

 The girls were thrilled to find lots of boulders there.  Danny had fun, too :0).  I was more worried about a sprained ankle.
 Night life...cupcakes in Bryant park and the Empire State Building!
Last day,  9/11 Memorial, walk to Staten Island Ferry, walk to Brooklyn Bridge, walk to Chinatown, walk to Little Italy.  Then...CRASH. 
 Chinatown!  Anabelle wasn't so sure of the chickens.
 Little Italy.  I think I see an extra bulge in my mid-section.
 The 9/11 Memorial.  Very moving~
 The tree that survived and blooms to this day.
 Staten Island Ferry
 A glimpse of Lady Liberty
CRASH!  What a trip!  We feel so blessed to have been able to take our family to such an amazing place.  I can't wait to go back!

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