Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our Garden!

In my effort to be greener & teach the children about gardening, I decided to have a garden this year. Elise and I went to Lowes to buy the lumber & together, we built the raised bed. Elise thought it was so cool that I taught her how to pick out a straight board :0)! So far, we've planted strawberries, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, small watermelons, & carrots. We might add some beans or lettuce as well. I'm worried we're going to run out of room! I'm really hoping something will grow!!! Last year, our potted tomatoes were quite a disappointment :0(. I decided to start out small, so it's only 8'X2'. If it goes well, we'll build another bed behind it next year.

Trash Bash!

Happy Belated Earth Day!

We celebrated the day by picking up trash around our neighborhood with friends. The kids had a blast. It became competitive for some to see who could get the most pieces in their bags! The kids were overjoyed to find a giant piece to a fence and half of a bike in the pond. On another trash bash adventure a few days later, they found a vacuum in a creek. How in the world did that get there???

The girls have learned that by taking care of the earth, they saving the planet & serving God. My friend spoke at our church about 'Serving God & Saving the Planet'. It makes sense that God wants us to protect his creation so others can enjoy it.

We are pretty big recyclers here, so we've handed over that job to the kiddos. Lately, we've talked more about turning off lights, saving water, and eating organic foods. With all of this talk lately, I think it was Anabelle who said, "Mom, are you green?" HA! Well, I guess the answer to that is I'm working on it.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Here's Sadie singing, "Alleluia!" Too cute. She was singing it around the house this morning and I had to get a video of it. I should probably start my day w/ that song!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

Easter was so much fun! The girls made some beautiful eggs on Saturday and first thing Sunday morning, they were out hunting for eggs! I was worried they were going to wake the neighbors! The Easter Bunny hid close to 150 eggs, yet it only took them about 10 minutes to find them all. It was pretty wet & cold out, so they bundled up & slipped on their rain boots. Did you notice that they chose to wear their Christmas jammies???? After the egg hunt, they dove into their chocolate bunnies. one was really hungry for pancakes later!
After our Easter morning fun, we went to church. The service as beautiful. When we came home, Nanna was waiting with more treats and a little while later, Pop Pop arrived with even more!!! We had a nice family dinner and stuffed ourselves with ham, potatoes, & homeade hot cross buns. I'm so grateful for my family, my friends, and for the blessings we've been given. What a wonderful day~

Monday, April 13, 2009

A hike with friends

We went to Pocahontas State Park with our good friends Abbey, Naomi, and Claudia. They had a great time throwing large stones into the stream and picking lily pads off the dock.

Visit with Cousins!

What an awesome spring break! The girls and I had a blast playing with friends & meeting up with family. On Wednesday, we met Aunt Rachel & cousins at Maymont. We were there all day and had a wonderful time. The kids particularly liked the big climbing trees and the hills. What a great day to romp!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Visit with Cousins and the Easter Bunny!

Yesterday, we went to Short Pump to visit with their cousins, Marena & Lilly. Marena and Sadie weren't too sure of standing so close to the bunny, but eventually, we were able to squeeze them in.

Egg Hunts!

Let the Egg Hunts begin! Elise had an egg hunt at school on Friday and our family was invited to a friend's house for another egg hunt. We had such a great time! The girls got lots of goodies and loved playing outside with friends. What a beautiful afternoon!

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

One rainy afternoon, we decided to take a walk around the lake. The kids had a blast jumping in puddles & watching the thousands of circles on the lake. Hopefully, all of these April showers will bring LOTS of May flowers!!