Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trash Bash!

Happy Belated Earth Day!

We celebrated the day by picking up trash around our neighborhood with friends. The kids had a blast. It became competitive for some to see who could get the most pieces in their bags! The kids were overjoyed to find a giant piece to a fence and half of a bike in the pond. On another trash bash adventure a few days later, they found a vacuum in a creek. How in the world did that get there???

The girls have learned that by taking care of the earth, they saving the planet & serving God. My friend spoke at our church about 'Serving God & Saving the Planet'. It makes sense that God wants us to protect his creation so others can enjoy it.

We are pretty big recyclers here, so we've handed over that job to the kiddos. Lately, we've talked more about turning off lights, saving water, and eating organic foods. With all of this talk lately, I think it was Anabelle who said, "Mom, are you green?" HA! Well, I guess the answer to that is I'm working on it.

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