Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

Easter was so much fun! The girls made some beautiful eggs on Saturday and first thing Sunday morning, they were out hunting for eggs! I was worried they were going to wake the neighbors! The Easter Bunny hid close to 150 eggs, yet it only took them about 10 minutes to find them all. It was pretty wet & cold out, so they bundled up & slipped on their rain boots. Did you notice that they chose to wear their Christmas jammies???? After the egg hunt, they dove into their chocolate bunnies. Funny...no one was really hungry for pancakes later!
After our Easter morning fun, we went to church. The service as beautiful. When we came home, Nanna was waiting with more treats and a little while later, Pop Pop arrived with even more!!! We had a nice family dinner and stuffed ourselves with ham, potatoes, & homeade hot cross buns. I'm so grateful for my family, my friends, and for the blessings we've been given. What a wonderful day~

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I love reading your blog Darlene. Your girls are so pretty.