Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baby Bunnies!

On Saturday, Danny was mowing the lawn and all of a sudden I heard him yelling my name. I instantly thought..."SNAKE!!", but when I ran over to him there was a teeny baby bunny hopping through the fence. We scooped it up and discovered a nest right in the middle of our yard. Thankfully, Danny avoided hitting the bunny! He said he stopped to investigate a mound of gray fur and sure enough, there were baby bunnies inside. I guess the vibration of the mower made one brave little guy or gal hop out. We put the bunny back in its nest & covered it up as best as we could. We were worried that the mama wouldn't come back, so we put two pieces of ribbon over it to see if it had been moved in the morning. It wasn't until the following day that it was moved, so either the babies are old enough to venture out or the mama came back. The girls thought it was super cool to have a nest of baby bunnies in their yard, but to keep them & Buxton away, Danny roped the area off w/ caution tape. I wonder that the neighbors think happened here...ha ha!

Here is a picture of the brave little one we named Rex.

1 comment:

medina family said...

how cute!!! I'm glad they are okay!