Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Trip to Utah

Here are some pictures of our family at the wedding. The bride & groom looked wonderful and the reception was beautiful!

One morning, we took some time to enjoy nature. We took a trip up to Snowbird & rode the tram to the top of the mountain. What an incredible view! The girls thought it was pretty cool that there was snow on top although they didn't want to stay long because they were wearing their crocs & were pretty cold!

The first day we arrived, there was a birthday celebration for two of the cousins. Macy was turning 7 and Bradley was turning 8. The girls LOVED the waterslide & had a blast playing in their playhouse.


medina family said...

great pictures! that mountain picture is awesome...especially on these hot days!

Stacey said...

Looks like you all had a great trip!