Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy 6th Birthday Elise!!!

Elise requested a Smurf sleepover for her birthday this year, so we told her she could invite three friends. This was the Dow's first sleepover experience, so I thought it would be wise to start out small! The kitchen was decorated with lots of spotted mushrooms, flowers, & smurfs galore. The girls cracked open a flower pinata, played pin the tail on Azreal, Smurf n Seek, made mushroom jewery boxes, and friendship bracelets. Elise got a few cute smurf items, fun craft activities, a few games, and her favorite...Bakugans. daughter asked for Bakugans for her birthday. For those of you who don't know...they're little balls that transform into robots, dragons, & the like. When I was in Target, I tried to pick out the most girly looking set I could find :0) and felt a little funny picking out a gift for my daughter in the boy's section!

We ended the evening with cake & ice cream and the Barbie's Thumbelina movie. At 11:00, we tried to wind them down with a story, but it wasn't until 11:45 that we heard the giggles finally subside. Thankfully, they slept until 6:50 and everyone slept through the night! Yahoo! As I type this, my girls are weeping & screaming...true Dow signs of fatigue. I think we'll have mandatory family nap time later!

1 comment:

medina family said...

what a great original party!! what a great mom you are!