Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Family Hike at Dodd Park

Last Saturday, we went for a hike with the girls. It was about two miles long, so it was a perfect length for their little legs. My favorite part, was the walk through the marsh. I've never seen so many dragonflies! I think the girls loved combing the little beach. They found lots of little shells & interesting rocks. It was also fun to watch the white cranes catch their lunch. On our hike, we were lucky enough to stumble upon some more animals. Along the trail, I spotted a big gray snake (I was a little freaked out & forgot to take a picture). Something was telling me as we hiked to keep an eye out for one & there it was! Everyone else just strolled right on by it. Then, at the end of the hike, we took the kids to the little playground & out came a family of groundhogs! Two of the ran away quickly as we approached, but the biggest one just hung around until we left.

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