Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Waterslide!

We are fortunate enough to have two pools in our neighborhood. For the past 4 years, we've spent most of our time at the one with the fountains, but this year, everyone was old enough to go on the waterslide at the other one!! The older girls must go down at least 30 times in two hours. Elise has now mastered sliding on top of the water on her tush as she lands to make the thrill last just a tad longer. It's so funny to watch! Sadie goes down as well, but I couldn't get a picture of her doing it because I wanted to be in the water near her...just in case!
Here are Anabelle & Elise slippin' & slidin'!

1 comment:

medina family said...

I thought, "wow! look how steep that slide is!" until I realized that was the one we went down! We are brave!