Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pocohontas State Park

This week we went to the water park with our dear friends Abbey, Naomi, & Claudia. It was a great day to go because it ended up being one of he hottest days of the year. We stayed wet for a full 4 1/2 hours, so it didn't seem that bad to us :0). The older girls spent most of their time on the waterslides & Sadie had a blast on the water playground. She was brave enough to climb to the top of the big waterslides, but the rushing water was a bit much & she climbed back down. I was secretly glad because I didn't want her to get turned around inside those big tubes!

1 comment:

Kim Lukitsch said...

we are going there next week--that is a must do for us once every summer. Glad you had fun !