Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas, A Trip to Wintergreen, & New Years!!

 here is our family Christmas picture. One nice & one crazy one. Yes, I'm giving Danny a karate chop :0).

Wow! What a busy few weeks! We had lots of family visits, lots of food, & lots of presents! I actually just got off the treadmill trying to burn off some of the cheese dips & fudge :0).

After Christmas, we took a trip to Wintergreen to go tubing & a little skiing. The girls LOVED tubing & we have a feeling no other sledding trip for the girls will ever compare. Danny was able to do some night skiing which was nice & the older girls got their first ski lesson. I personally enjoyed a break from cooking & cleaning! I also loved experiencing the thrill of tubing with my family & being in the gorgeous snow covered mountains. I can see myself living out there one day and becoming a true mountain mama...HA!
Here's video of Sadie riding down the tubing hill with me. Sorry for all of the screaming...that was me. They say you can go between 30-40 mph! Notice how relaxed she is and the song she sings at the end of the ride :0).

After our trip, my brothers & their families came over for New Years! I wished I could have teleported my sister over, too :0).

I saw this New Year's quote & thought I'd share it.

We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential. ~Ellen Goodman

Happy New Year Everyone!


medina family said...

how fun!! loved the tubing video... loved all your christmas pictures too! I like how all the girls are dressed alike.

Chris & Kathy said...

LOVE your new year's quote!