Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pleasure of Work

I have always struggled with finding the joy in everyday chores. I have a feeling I'm not the only one :0). I remember a few years back, our pastor Tom Berlin from Northern Virginia spoke about the importance of lifting up our daily chores to God. He reminded us that we are serving Him even with the most trivial job like cleaning a toilet! I think of that often while I'm folding my 4th load of laundry, clearing off the table with clutter for the 10th time that day, or sweeping the floor after I just did it two hours earlier! Right now I'm reading The Red Tent by Anita Diamant and there was a sentence in there that I thought was beautiful and so relevant to me as a mom.
"She held the fullness of every day in her hands, numbering the sweetness of children, the pleasure of work."

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