Sunday, January 31, 2010

Let it Snow~!~!

WOW! What an amazing winter! With this storm, we got at least 12 inches. Some spots in our yard measured 9 & others 14, so I'd say 12 is a fair average. Yesterday Danny took the girls while it was snowing, but they didn't last long. The temperature was in the single digits & there really wasn't much you could do with the snow blowing in your eyes.
Today, however, we woke up to a brilliant white light shining through our windows which meant...a day in the snow!
Danny & I spent most of the morning shoveling our LONG driveway. When we first looked at the house, one of my first comments was, "Boy that would be a fun driveway to shovel!" At least we got our exercise today :0)!
Later, we all went to a big hill nearby to sled. Danny had the idea of piling all three girls on top of my back while I lay tummy first on a sled. Can you believe I said okay??? It was the most painful sledding run I've ever taken & I was just waiting for a big mouthful of snow. Thankfully, that didn't happen because I instinctively put my hand out to catch anything in my way. I'm sure the girls will ask if they can do that again tomorrow :0).

1 comment:

medina family said...

love your 2010 sign! this is a great winter!